Q&A With Rising Oakland Based Hip Hop Trio Barbaydose

Much respect Barbaydose for the solid and highly impressive body of work off the debut project, bringing back that much needed raw cutting edge boom bap sound coming out of the Bay Area. Before getting into the new album, for the readers who don’t know, how long have guys been making music as a trio?

Hiright: Our first session was late 2017. J.MAL invited Bsidez and myself to a session at Pep Love’s house. We listened to some music and eventually decided to start writing to what is now “Run It Fast”. J. and B actually recorded their verses at Pep’s with me engineering the recording.

Bsidez: Appreciation!! Man, the first session was so inspiring we decided to do follow ups and the vibes just worked.

What area out of Oakland do you guys represent? Any particular influences from your area that motivated you to make underground boom bap style music?

Hiright: Well we are all from different parts of the country originally. I am from Honolulu Hawaii and ended up in Oakland in 1999.

Bsidez: I’m from the bay. Born in San Francisco, moved to The east bay when I was 4 and lived mainly in Alameda and Oakland.

J.MAL: I was born and raised in Columbus, Mississippi and have been in the bay since 2012 residing in Richmond, El Cerrito and now Oakland.

Bsidez: To add to the second part of that question, the groups, or I should say legends that have pioneered the way for us would have to be Hieroglyphics, Living Legends, and Luniz to name a few. There’s a lot of Hip-Hop that we listen to from out here. They may not necessarily influence our style but Hiero for sure has in a lot of ways.

How have you guys been doing during this crazy pandemic?

Bsidez: That’s a good question. For some of us, we are getting more creative. Some are stepping up and some are not as lucky. Some people are facing the hardest challenges they’ve ever had to face in their lifetime. For all of us, I think it’s bringing the best and/or worst out of people. But for Barbaydose, I know it’s bringing the best. I also didn’t know I could do all the things I am doing, but I’m doing them out of necessity. There’s some beautiful things coming out this, just hope you can recognize them.

Hiright: It’s forcing us in our families, as a group, Individually and collectively to really think about what’s important to us. growing and evolving because of being faced with those choices and decisions to pursue what really matters.

What do you think about the whole situation?

Bsidez: Find the good in everything. Love is the key. Be smart and meditate on things and the way will find you.

How are you pivoting your music grind during this time?

Bsidez: Hiright’s still making beats. J.Mal is still writing. I am still recording and writing. We’re just finding new technology to use. We have been using zoom A LOT! We also got access to a bunch of app based tools to sketch out song concepts and ideas. Also being more strategic about releases and Merch drops. Just really still trying to get out there and get heard by people that would appreciate our music if they had access to it!

How easy or tough was it to become a trio?

Hiright: It happened very organically. Three similar music minded individuals. We are very complimentary of one another.

Bsidez: It was super unexpected but super inspirational! You know we all bounce ideas off each other. We’ve all been part of groups or collectives before and most of them didn’t stick. We just created our ritual and when we saw the finished product, we were like, “Yeah, let’s make another one!”

J.MAL: I think that’s where it comes from, or where the influence for sure comes from. We all are revolving around relative ideas and sources. So putting us together in the studio based off of what we have experiences with. When we put them together, it’s gonna work out. Being in space with mutual minds is always beneficial.

Bsidez: And one other thing, we haven’t made any throw any songs. Those ten songs on the album were the ten songs we made.

And how long do you guys plan on staying a trio?

Hiright: Well we are just getting started as a group and establishing ourselves as a trio so I don’t see us stopping anytime soon. I’d say indefinitely. I mean I’m so serious about this group I’d love to ride this out into the sunset you know what I mean.

Bsidez: We stay working!

Briefly describe the creative process involving the debut project? Also, who produced it?

Bsidez: Man, a lot of late nights in El Cerrito with big bags of Rapper weed, Backwoods and beer for Hiright.

Hiright: Haha! What B said 100 percent and I did all the production on this project. We basically start with a sample or a basic beat that I’m tappin out on my MPC and J and B will freestyle for a while and may land on an idea. J and B have input throughout the whole process as well. Or while I’m building a beat from scratch they’ll break out the pen and pad and start writing something down. Usually, it would lead to a verse or two and maybe a hook or song concept. Really casual but with the intent to always move forward each session.

Bsidez: One thing that stood out to me was during the writing/recording process, I was learning all this new information. About all the shit that was going on in the world, things that I’m not normally tapped into. So that was coming out through me because I was evolving like the music.

In a few words, what do new listeners expect to hear after peeping your debut album?

Hiright: The start of something special in my opinion. This was just the jump off so get ready for lots of bars, beats and emotion that make you think about things a bit differently.

All the songs were fire! On your behalf, what are your top three tracks off the project?

Hiright: First off Thank you! That means a lot. And my three favorites are Rare Breed, Moonstones and Wisemen.

Bsidez: Different Translations, Start at the ending and Bars. The more I listen to Bars there’s just something that I like about that one.

J.MAL: Rare Breed, Moonstones and Start at the Ending

Any new videos coming out off the project? And what can we expect for Barbaydose for the rest of 2020?

Bsidez: We are in the recording/planning process for the next record. We are also working on a video concept to shoot a video for Run it Fast. We are also sitting on some music that’s gonna come out before the next Barbaydose record. Some singles, EPs, etc…

Our infamous question! What’s your definition of “underground hip hop”?

Bsidez: Quality content that isn’t yet accessible to the masses. Not conforming to the formulaic sound that is widely heard on commercial radio as well. We’re not making music for the record labels we’re making music for us. Music that we want to make and music that we feel there is a void of.

Hiright: The art is uncompromised and there’s more variety in soundscapes and textures as well as lyrical content.

J.MAL: Everything that represents you, that you represent, in an impeccable way.

Where can people find more of your music? Is there a main platform?

We have a link tree where you can find all the Barbaydose material


Social media for the group and individually





Barbaydose @barbaydose

J.MAL @weinthecloud

Bsidez @bsidez510


Hiright @Hirightmusic

J.MAL @Jmalmusic_

Bsidez @bsidez510

Lastly, any shout outs involving the release of your debut album?

Hiright: First off shout out to UGHH for giving us a platform to share our story. Secondly, our families and friends that lift us up and everyone that has supported the record or will support Barbaydose and our art. Shout out to Bsidez and J.MAL for beginning this journey and making this record with me.

Bsidez: Shout out to everybody that heard it, that supported it, that pushed it. Shout out to people that I don’t even know that have given it a listen. Shout out to all the people that gave us their favorite songs/quotes, critique, reaction videos, comments likes and whoever copped the physicals. Shout out to UndergroundHipHopblog.com!!!

AND Shout out to YOU, the person that will find it in the future and reminisce on it. Bless UP!

J.MAL: Shout out to UGHHblog.com Shout out to our families and friends. Shout out to everyone that supports the movement. We in the cloud!

The post Q&A With Rising Oakland Based Hip Hop Trio Barbaydose first appeared on UndergroundHipHopBlog.

Source: UndergroundHipHopBlog.com

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