Dame Dash Calls For Hot 97 To Fire Funk Flex

Damn wants Funk Flex gone from Hot 97, Period.

The former Roc-A-Fella executive has gone on record to call out those who have profited from the culture, without giving back to it. In his most recent interview with Hip-Hop motivator, Dame Dash sticks to his rhetoric when he calls Lyor Cohen a “culture vulture.” Cohen Dash, Jay-Z, and Biggs worked together in the glory days of Roc-A-Fella Records. Dame credits Cohen’s ill will for the label’s split and tarnishing his relationship with Jay-Z.

It looks like Funk Flex is too fond of Cohen to allow Dame to bash his name any longer. The Hot 97 DJ came to his  defense quickly, while calling Dame a liar as well.

“I refuse to join the cheerleading squad with Dame in slander,” said Flex. “Without the Def Jam machine, Rocafella would have died in the wind.”

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Dame Dash built an amazing brand (The Roc) with Biggs and JayZ! I have a tremendous amount of respect for him as an entrepreneur! I 1,000 percent understand his cockiness! He’s self made and I know u wouldn’t believe me but Jayz would have never been noticed without Dame! But in 2018 I refuse to join the cheerleading squad with Dame in the slander! Without the DefJam machine Roccafella would have died in the wind! Roccafella was being distributed though PAYDAY/FREEZE/SLEEPINGBAG/PRIORITY RECORDS(GOOGLE IT)before DefJam!!!! Jayz would have been another great mc that faded into obscurity if he stayed in that situation! Dame made a lot of money with Lyor! All great partnerships always come to and end! Jayz went his separate way cause Dame didn’t adapt to the fact he needed to refine his personality! No one can remove u if u stay in tune to the surroundings! @duskopoppington I love u dearly my Brother… u helped me in 96 when my back was against the wall… But you are a LIAR… I was there FULLY back then and I was singed to DefJam for the tunnel album… YOU are a LIAR.. that man helped u… There are people with legitimate issues with Lyor! Dame ain’t one of them! it’s always easy to turn people against the rich JEWISH GUY that is still relevant and making money… I love u dearly bro but you foul with that Lyor energy! IM JUST TIRED OF NOT SPEAKING UP ON THIS!!!THE TRUTH IS ALL WE GOT! WHY DO WE CONTINUE TO TWIST IT! A CULTURE VULTURE CANT GET U UNLESS THE CULTURE YOU REPRESENT IS FOR SALE!!!!!! #JustMyOpinion COMMENTS OFF-THIS ISNT OPEN FOR DEBATE! #DameDashIsALiar

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In an interview with The Hip Hop Motivator, Dame quickly responded, saying Flex is embarrassing our culture.

“His master won’t let him out of that lil room he’s been in for 30 years…and his master won’t even give him a promotion,” said Dash. Dame continues to emphasize his boss like mentality. He takes it a bit further, calling for Hot to fire the veteran DJ.

“If y’all don’t fire this clown your radio station is dead like his career.”

Do you think Flex’s career is dead according to Dame? We’ll continue to monitor this beef as the story plays out.

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Conversations with @hip_hop_motivator Not sure what’s wrong with this dude @funkflex or why he hates his own culture so much…but I feel sorry for him…his master won’t let him out of the that lil room he’s been in for 30?years…and his master won’t even give him a promotion…his master only lets him talk about his own culture…need that conversation face to face @funkflex dont be a coward…and we all know #liarcohen @youtubemusic is paying you cause he’s to much of a coward to face me himself…just like they always do… (divide and conquer)..your the help…and your mentality is help… My mentality is boss..you wouldn’t understand…stop embarrassing our culture…your 50 get a new job #staytuned @culturevultures_book available now @hot97 if y’all don’t fire this clown your radio station is dead like his career #doitfortheculture #ceobeef pause

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The post Dame Dash Calls For Hot 97 To Fire Funk Flex appeared first on The Source.

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