Tag Archives: Weirdo

Joseph Jordan – “Weirdo” (Album Review)

Hip-Hop has always been an outcast, a genre searching for its own identity and eventually manifested its own infectious sound. While the genre has discovered its elements, it’s artists still search for its own signature sound. Artists like Denver’s own Joseph Jordan whom have grown a cult-like fanbase with his unfamiliar brand of lyricism. The new artist reveals his latest new project, Weirdo, set to transcend the up-and-coming artist into a mainstream prospect.

Being weird has becoming trendsetting over the years that have accumulated mass success in music. Jordan expects to follow in the same footsteps of those before him with his unique ability of both producer and recording artist. Presenting a sound that has its own patent that separates himself from peers.

Stream Joseph Jordan’s New Project, Weirdo, courtesy of Soundcloud.

Expecting confusion, experimental, and disconnect due to the album’s title. Oddly enough, Weirdo’s production is noble with revealing instrumentals that express a tailored fit signifying Jordan’s arrival. Cutting-edge, Joseph Jordan’s lyricism is amazing due to its awkwardness. “Say What” is the album prize possession. An infectious track, the track signifies Jordan’s undeniable presence with an unlikely approach.

Pulling double duties, Joseph Jordan is organic with both the production and lyricism that fans will gravitate too immediately. Jordan leaves a blueprint easy to follow and process that puts him on a path all-new and all-original. The album’s chemistry is organic, strategic, and overall monumental. 

After hearing Weirdo, Joseph Jordan’s portrayal is influential as the rising star handled the entire project from scribe to production. Natural, impactful, and valuable, the new project is arguably Jordan’s best work yet. Open to all searching for defining new sound, Jordan transform being different into something glorifying. 

Weirdo is a much-needed project as we enter the new year. You’ve been happily fore warned. Dare to be different. 

Ratings: 8/10

Highlights: Punchlines

Follow Joseph Jordan on Twitter: @JosephJordan_

Source: UndergroundHipHopBlog.com

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