Tag Archives: The Defenders

Luke Cage, Daredevil & Other Marvel Shows Canceled by Netflix Can’t Go Anywhere For A Few Years

Marvel's Daredevil

Source: Netflix / Netflix

Comic book fans were taken aback when Netflix suddenly canceled Marvel series Luke Cage and Daredevil (no one really cared about the cancelation of Iron Fist though), but there was hope that the shows would find new life on another streaming network namely Disney+ or Hulu. Well, it seems like that might take a while.

At least a year and change actually.

Variety is reporting that part of the four-show deal that Netflix struck with Marvel was that any show they canceled would be forbidden from “appearing in any non-Netflix series or film for at least two years.” Huh? What part of the game is this!? That’s like part of a marriage agreement is that upon divorce you can’t date anyone for two years.

While there remains the remote possibility that fan outrage might convince Netflix to produce one last season of The Defenders (though that first one was nothing to write home about) it seems like Netflix is officially done spending money on producing anymore seasons involving any heroes for hire or the devil of Hell’s Kitchen. Meanwhile they were able to scare up up $100 million to keep Friends streaming for one more year. Who the hell watches Friends in 2018 at a $100 million capacity?! We want answers!

The silver lining in any of this is that Netflix does have the 2nd season of The Punisher dropping next month and Jessica Jones has her third season releasing some time in 2019 so we do have a few fan favorite Marvel shows to look forward.

While we expect Netflix to cancel both shows in 2019, The Punisher doesn’t fall under the original deal and can immediately be resurrected on another streaming service or even channel. Jessica Jones on the other hand would have to wait until 2021 to find a new home.

So enjoy what are likely to be the final seasons of The Punisher and Jessica Jones because it seems like Netflix is done creating anymore Marvel related shows for the foreseeable future.

Photo: Netflix

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