Tag Archives: Mic Myers

Mic Myers – “The White House”

Mic Myers is a very different hip hop artist, in the sense of style, sound, and flow. The concepts behind his records can transcend way past the walls of the rap community.

The image is a big part of the hip hop community and can, in some points make or break an artist career. Mic Myers has taken a different approach with his look, making him appeal to not only the rap culture but to pop and horror culture as well. That by default gives him the opportunity to become a huge star on so many different levels.

The name of his new project is “The White House” and cover a lot within hip hop and horror culture. There is no other artist out today that has taken this lane and mastered it the way Mic Myers has.

Click The Link Below To Listen Right Here Right Now On Spotify! Trust us when we tell you, you will not be disappointed.

Follow Mic Myers on Twitter: @micmyers

Source: UndergroundHipHopBlog.com

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