Q&A With Rising Hip Hop Artist JOSEPHSPARROWB

We want to thank you for dropping such a dope project recently “X”,  please tell us who is JOSEPHNSPARROWB? Where are you from? How did your Hip Hop brand come about? What does the name JOSEPHNSPARROWB mean to you?

JOSEPHSPARROWB is a character that represents/self reflects on widely unacknowledged characteristics of human error and the means in which I do that varies from project to project. “JOSEPHSPARROWB” is a typo of
my name, typos are one of the most minor forms of chaos, which human error is a product of. I don’t “brand” in myself in any particular way but that, I make art asking for no financial success in return.

We notice you style is super original and very creative. Give us a little background on you style and how it cam about?

My style depends on the project and what I’m trying to convey. “X” has a storyline that’s symbolic to romanticism of sadness and how that negatively effects somebody. I simultaneously compared it to the current landscape of emo hip-hop and how it turns negative emotions into an unhealthy, glossy fantasy.

Are you planning on releasing any videos to complement “X”. Or are you going to let the record gravitate as an exclusive listening experience?

I might make a music video for “Things Betwixt” but I’m already working on the next album and will likely not have time. There’s already a video for “Lovespell” so I think that’s sufficient.

With this industry being so fast pace, being so busy promoting yourself, what advice do you have to those who are barely releasing their first record, and trying to break into the business?

I don’t do this to make money so I can’t answer that question.

How does social media playing a role in your success? How are fans / supporters helping your movement?

I have very minimal support outside of personal relationships, though I made countless projects from age 13 til’ now that nobody but me listened to. All that matters to me is making an artistic statement that I’m proud of and if I unintentionally develop a fanbase by proxy, that’s fine as well.

With this being an underground hip hop site, we always ask this important question. What is your definition of “underground hip hop”?

Underground hip-hop is generally defined as music that hasn’t reached mainstream success yet.

Where can people find you on the Internet? Drop all the vital links.

Here’s my Soundcloud, literally every piece of music I’ve released is there. Enjoy!


Source: UndergroundHipHopBlog.com

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