Not Today Colonizer: Twitter Feels No Remorse For “Christian Missionary” Killed By Endangered Tribe

The twilight of the Andaman Jarawa

Source: Thierry Falise / Getty

John Allen Chau, a Christian missionary was killed after he was greeted with arrows instead of goodwill after he trespassed on a remote island protected by Indian Law. His ill-fated attempt at spreading the word of Jesus to the endangered Sentinelese tribe which inhabits the remote location has folks on Twitter saying oh well instead of feeling sorry for him.

Not today colonizer.

The Washington Post reported that Chau knew his journey to the island was forbidden but was hell-bent on getting to as what he described in his diary as “Satan’s last stronghold” would probably be his last. He was fully aware of how violent the tribe reacted to his unwanted visit and made numerous attempts to reach the island which is roughly the size of Manhattan.

The Sentinelese is the only remaining endangered tribe on the island which was also home to another Andaman tribe called the Jawra that was wiped out by disease after British colonial occupation. Since then, the Sentinelese people are very adamant about being left alone and will violently react to anyone trying to visit the island and rightfully so. Being that they have been isolated for so long, they have no immunity to common illnesses like the flu and measles.

Chau’s death is sparking some conversation with some ridiculously calling him a martyr while most believe he got what he deserved when he stepped foot on that island. It’s clear Jesus didn’t have his back and probably tried to warn him with previous failed attempts to reach the Sentinelese’s home. Now his corpse will remain there as there is no way for it to be retrieved.

You can peep the reaction to Chau’s attempt at being Christoper Columbus that ended up in him being showered in arrows below.

Photo: Getty


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