[WATCH] Jerry Springer Appears To Leave Estate to Two Secret Biracial Kids

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Jerry Springer’s death shocked the world, unveiling his battle with cancer, but now a video of Springer reading his will is going viral.

Twitter user Marc Isenberg shared a video which was captioned, “The best Jerry Springer episode ever is Jerry reading his own will[.] He had 2 black children out of wedlock, wife threatens to expose, so he keeps it under wraps until he dies, then leaves all his money to the children he never met. What a legend.” 

It was later revealed that Springer was reading from a script “REFRAMED 2020: A Festival of New Plays on Social Justice” festival that was hosted by Tulane University’s School of Liberal Arts Department of Theatre and Dance. 

Springer was actually married to Micki Velton from 1973-1994, with whom he has one daughter, Katie Springer.

The post [WATCH] Jerry Springer Appears To Leave Estate to Two Secret Biracial Kids appeared first on The Source.

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