Twitter Checking Their Phones For STDs After Clicking On The #Rosarito Hashtag NSFW

Twitter Reacts To Disgusting Shenanigans Going On In Rosita, Mexico

Source: apomares / Getty

College kids wilding the hell out during Spring Break is a storied tradition that should really come as no surprise. BUT what’s going on in the city of Rosarito, Mexico has Twitter utterly disgusted.

A lot of these kids need to get tested immediately on top of the explaining they will have to do when they return to their respected college campuses. Videos of young men and women engaging in all kinds of lewd acts in public while vacationing/partying in Rosarito, Mexico are flooding the internet, unfortunately.

Normally you would expect to see some rhythmless Becky’s partaking in the traditional white t-shirt contests and partaking in drinking games involving kissing with meatheads, but things have gone to another level at the vacation destination. Videos of Spring Breakers performing oral sex on top of bars, having sexual intercourse in front of crowds and a man consuming alcohol from a woman’s private area are making their rounds on the social media platform.

If you were like us and went down the rabbit hole of filth you probably wish there was some sort of app that could just cleanse your phone as well as your memory of what you just witnessed. While it looks like its all just harmless fun, there are instances of some of the men seemingly taking advantage of women who have had way too much to drink.

You can see all the reactions to Spring Break and Rosita, Mexico below. Safe to say this location will not be on our lists of places to visit during this time of the year obviously.

Photo: apomares / Getty


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