THIS HAPPND: As Cardi B Calls Out Donald Trump Lawmaker Screams “Go Back To Puerto Rico”

Tony Cardenas

New York rapper Cardi B‘s public service announcement to Donald Trump might have low-key sparked some racial tensions in Congress this week. New reports claim a racially charged remark went down Thursday (January 17) and resulted in Congress adjourning for the week.

According to reports, an unidentified person shouted out an offensive line at Democratic Representative Tony Cardenas when he approached the podium.

“Go back to Puerto Rico!” the lawmaker shouted, punctuating a stream of Republican whooping and hollering at the Democratic majority for holding a voice vote — instead of the normal roll call vote — to pass a continuing resolution that would reopen nine Cabinet departments through Feb. 28 Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and other Democrats in the chamber shot out of their seats demanding to know who shouted the comment. (MSN)

Despite Cardenas pulling up on the Republican side, no one copped to screaming out the offensive comment.

“It came from the other side of the chamber. … We don’t know who it is,” Jackson Lee said, declining to speculate on who might have been responsible. It was unclear whether the comment was directed at Cárdenas or Democrats more broadly. Roughly 30 House and Senate Democrats flew to Puerto Rico last weekend to inspect the Hurricane Maria recovery effort and highlight the ongoing work there to address the damage caused by the 2017 storm. “I would hope maybe privately the individual would go to Mr. Cardenas and appropriately apologize,” Jackson Lee said. (MSN)

Cardenas is known for having ties to both politicians and hip-hop stars like 50 Cent.

This week, Latin rapper Cardi B came forward to speak out after getting slammed about her knowledge of politics.

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Soo many people under my comments talking about I shouldn’t talk politics ,I don’t know what I’m talking about , I’m dumb ! Well I know alittle something something..I know 800,000 federal government workers won’t be getting paid till the shutdown is over and government assistants program are shutdown as well as in NO WELFARE , NO WIC,SECTION 8 .I know it’s a little boring to watch the news but it won’t kill ya to visit some IG pages of people that talk about what’s going on in our community like @shaunking @tamikadmallory and shiiieeett sometimes uncle snoop and Charlamgne be saying some shit that goes over ya heads .PAY ATTENTION !!! This can go on for months and it will affect our homes and Country .

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This week, politicians reacted to Cardi keeping things 100 on President Donald Trump’s government shutdown.

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Making (federal appropriations) moves 💰

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