Tag Archives: Uber Copter

Uber-Copter Claims Transportation is Safe Despite Fatal Midtown Crash

A couple days after Uber announced that they’ll be offering helicopter rides from JFK airport to New York City and back, the transportation took a major L.

An Uber-Copter crashed into a Midtown building yesterday, killing the pilot. While there are people speculating if the $200 ride is even safe, some are suggesting for the entire operation to be shut down. However, air taxi boss Eric Allison is standing behind his move.

“We don’t need any legislative change and we don’t need any real change,” Eric told FOX Business. “We’re working with the FAA to take the existing rules and to use them and apply them in the right way to this new form of transportation.”

Allison claims he’s been working since “day one” to assure everything is safe and good to go. “Because of [the helicopter crash] safety is so foundational that we are just baking into everything, that we are continuing to do that and just it just emphasizes how important it is to do it right,” he said.

“Our plan is to eventually roll out Uber Copter to more Uber customers and to other cities, but we want to do it right,” he previously stated. “The main goal of this initial venture is to understand the operations behind aerial vehicles.”

Would you fly with an Uber-Copter?

The post Uber-Copter Claims Transportation is Safe Despite Fatal Midtown Crash appeared first on The Source.

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