Tag Archives: go back to puerto rico

Unidentified Person Shouts “Go Back To Puerto Rico” At Congressman During Congressional Meeting

Media reports claims a racially charged outburst occurred yesterday in Congress, resulting in Congress adjourning for the week.

An unidentified person shouted out an offensive outburst at Democratic Representative Tony Cardenas as he prepared to speak to Congress.

“Go back to Puerto Rico!” the lawmaker shouted, ending in a continual buzz of Republican whooping and hollering at the Democratic majority for holding a voice vote, instead of the normal roll call vote. The purpose is to pass a continuing resolution that would reopen nine Cabinet departments through Feb. 28.

Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and other Democrats in the chamber shot out of their seats demanding to know who shouted the comment.

Cardenas immediately stepped to the Republican side of the chamber, but no one admitted to the exclamation.

“It came from the other side of the chamber. We don’t know who it is,”

Jackson Lee said, declining to speculate on who might have been responsible. It was unclear whether the comment was directed at Cárdenas or Democrats more broadly.

Roughly 30 House and Senate Democrats flew to Puerto Rico last weekend to inspect the Hurricane Maria recovery effort and highlight the ongoing work there to address the damage caused by the 2017 storm.

“I would hope maybe privately the individual would go to Mr. Cardenas and appropriately apologize,” Jackson Lee said.

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