Source: Pieter Hanson / Twitter
In the wake of Brett Kavanaugh‘s Supreme Court nomination and the weird #HimToo response to the still-surging #MeToo movement, a mother took to Facebook to own the Libs in defense of her son’s dating habits. It hasn’t worked out too well for the mom or her military son online, and the slander she invited has been epic, to say the least.
From the Daily Mail:
In response to the uproar surrounding Judge Brett Kavanaugh confirmation to the Supreme Court, Marla Reynolds from Oklahoma shared an image on Twitter of her 32-year-old son Pieter Hanson posing in his Navy uniform.
She claimed that Pieter ‘won’t go on solo dates due to the current climate of false accusations’ against men — but upon seeing the young man’s cheeky, chin-on-fist pose, many Twitter users had other ideas about why Pieter doesn’t go out with the ladies, and quickly teased Marla for the post.
In the photo, Pieter, a Navy vet and University of Central Florida student, is dressed in his white Navy uniform, with one foot propped up on a bench. He’s smiling at the camera, resting his chin on his fist, with his elbow on his knee.
‘This is MY son,’ his mother wrote. ‘He graduated #1 in boot camp. He was awarded the USO award. He was #1 in A school. He is a gentleman who respects women.
‘He won’t go on solo dates due to the current climate of false sexual accusations by radical feminists with an axe to grind. I VOTE. #HimToo.’
As one can imagine, it has been slander city for Marla and Pieter, but it appears the son is even laughing and somewhat apologizing over his mom’s caping. Pieter Hanson, who says he’s the man from his mom’s Facebook post, did it in a most respectful way too as you can view below.
Check out some of the hilarious responses below.
Photo: Twitter