JAY-Z Becomes Superman + Sends Ahmaud Arbery’s Lawyers Last-Minute Private Plane: “We Spent Hours Trying To Find Flights”

JAY-Z Selfie Pic Hat Backwards

Music mogul JAY-Z is proving there’s really nothing he won’t do to help fight for black rights and justice. The hip-hop icon reportedly gave the ultimate hook-up to slain black man Ahmaud Arbery‘s legal team fighting his hate crime case.

JAY x Ahmaud

According to one of the Arbery family’s lawyers, JAY-Z came through clutch by sending his private plane. The legal team needed air transportation in an effort to make it to a family hearing.

“Court hearing in Brunswick, Georgia this morning. No flights to take us there last night. @leemerrittesq and I spent hours trying to find flights or cars. At 1 am we started losing hope till we got a call from Jay Z’s people at Roc Nation who chartered a flight for us to attend this hearing with the family of Ahmaud Arbery. Thankful for their support. Updates on the hearing soon” -Blerim Elmazi’s Instagram

JAY-Z sent a private plane for Ahmed Arbery’s lawyers

High-Key Details

Another one of Ahmaud’s lawyers spoke on JAY saving the day. S. Lee Merritt shared a collage of pics from the private plane.

“When you absolutely have to be in Court to stand with your client and righteous protestors for justice … Jay Z sends his private jet. That’s part of the P.P.E plan to get us out of this Crisis (People Power Political Power Economic Power)” -S. Lee Merritt’s Instagram

Wait, There’s More

Ahmaud had his life taken from him at the hands of two white men. While the death occurred in February, just recently did the footage go viral and spark the nation’s push for multiple arrests.

Arbery was shot and killed while out jogging on the afternoon of Feb. 23 after allegedly being chased down on his suburban neighborhood street in Brunswick by two white men — Gregory McMichael and his son Travis. The McMichaels confronted Arbery with two firearms after they saw him exercising, and Travis fatally shot him, the Georgia Bureau of Investigationsaid. Arbery’s manner of death was ruled a homicide by the GBI, according to a copy of the autopsy report obtained by PEOPLE. (PEOPLE)

Before You Go

A few weeks ago, JAY and his Roc Nation team issued a statement announcing support for having Arbery’s family get justice.

“The world is now familiar with the story of Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old African-American man who, while out jogging in Brunswick, Glynn County, GA, was hunted down and shot to death by two white men, Gregory and Travis McMichael. Their arrest yesterday on charges of murder and aggravated assault – more than two months after Ahmaud’s death – was a positive first step on the long road toward justice. But it only strengthens our resolve to see that justice is eventually served. By now, we’ve all seen the crime’s disturbing video, so the facts here are not in doubt: He was unarmed and innocent and the victim of a hate crime. Which is why we call upon you today, as official leaders of the Great State of Georgia, and with the entire world watching, to ensure that a fair trial is conducted, as that can only lead to the appropriate felony convictions of both McMichaels. We also implore you to charge William Bryan as an armed accomplice to the crime. We truly appreciate that you have arrested and charged these men with Ahmaud’s murder, and are hopeful that a trial and conviction will show that, in the state that gave us Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and has been the site of the best and worst of the Civil Rights movement, Dr. King’s words do ring true: ‘The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.’” 

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