Harvey Weinstein And Russell Simmons Accusers Ask For Support

Russell Simmons

Source: Bernard Smalls / @PhotosByBeanz

Now that justice is now in process for the victims of Harvey Weinstein and Russell Simmons, the accusers are seeking some assistance.

Billboard Magazine is reporting that some of the women who have spoken out against the alleged high profile sexual predators are telling their story again. Days after the guilty verdict against Weinstein was passed, several of the women who claimed he violated them hosted a Silence Breakers group panel to discuss their next steps. Also in attendance, former music industry record professional Drew Dixon, who accused the Def Jam Records co-founder in Simmons of misconduct, spoke about that after coming forward, her phone line went cold.

“Nobody called me, to this day, and said, ‘Drew, can we put you on?’” Dixon revealed.”They are not touching me. People have to be ethical and brave in positions of power with access to capital, access to distribution and put us on.”

Weinstein accuser Sarah Ann Masse said that that she also experienced the same cold shoulder in the film industry saying she has not landed an audition since she came forward with her story.

Since then, Masse has created a #HireSurvivorsHollywood movement on social media and is trying to launch a survivor-run production company. “Sexual violence survivors are a traditionally silenced group, and I think it’s something that we have to come together as a community to address,” Masse said. “It shouldn’t be that way. People in power should be doing something about it, but they’re not.”

On February 24, Weinstein was found guilty of rape and a criminal sexual act but was acquitted of the most serious charges against him. He faces a possible sentence of between five and 29 years.

Photo:  Getty

Source: HipHopWired.com

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