Amber Rose Points Finger At Kanye West & Lil Pump Amid Unfair Treatment: “But If I Refer To Myself As A H*e – I’m Literally The Evilest Person On Earth”
Vixen Amber Rose isn’t feeling the unfair treatment coming her way. The hip-hop model has stepped forward to pen some heartfelt words about getting slut-shamed and disrespected daily despite being a trendsetter and women’s rights leader.
Amber went to Instagram last night (September 18) and unloaded some serious frustrations.
She reported that the ring is worth about $150,000, and she has no idea where the ring could have gone, as numerous people have come in and out of her house. Rose, 34, is devastated over the loss, as she wanted to give their son Sebastian the ring one day, according to the outlet. Rose and Wiz, 31, began dating in 2011 and he proposed in 2012. Their son was born in 2013 and they split in 2014. (Page Six)
Earlier in the week, Amber came forward to reveal she might low-key have an idea of who is responsible for stealing the ring.
We got Amber Monday heading into LAX and asked if there were any suspects yet in the case of her missing engagement ring. It doesn’t sound like cops have zeroed in on a perp yet, but Amber says she’s on the case. She hints she’s already got a short list of suspects — but says she’s still gathering proof. (TMZ)
Back in May, Amber put a swift end to cheating on Wiz during their short marriage.