50 Cent Scores Win In Revenge Porn Battle With Teairra Mari

Teairra Mari And Her Attorneys Lisa Bloom And Walter Mosely Hold Press Conference About New Legal Action Against 50 Cent And Akbar Abdul-Ahad

Source: Frederick M. Brown / Getty

The legal battle between Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson and Teairra Mari has now been officially settled but not in favor of the reality television star. A judge sided with the business mogul and rapper in the lawsuit, ordering Mari to pay up $30,000.

The Blast reports:

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, a Los Angeles judge has dismissed all claims against the rapper.

50 Cent had argued for Mari to pay his entire $161,660.15 legal bill but the judge didn’t grant him the full amount. Instead, she was ordered to pay a total of $30,618 to 50 Cent to cover his legal bills for having to fight off her lawsuit.

As The Blast first reported, Mari sued 50 Cent and her ex-boyfriend, Akbar Abdul-Ahad, accusing them of engaging in a plan to sexually objectify, threaten, intimidate, humiliate and degrade her.

She claimed Abdul-Ahad logged into her Instagram account and posted a sexually graphic video that featured “ejaculate” on her face.

Marí said Abdul-Ahad was upset because she claims he was trying to develop a polyamorous relationship, and a reality show highlighting that polyamorous lifestyle, but she wanted no part.

Neither Mari or 50 Cent has commented publicly about the outcome of the matter as of yet.

Photo: Getty

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