Twitter’s New Sparkle Button Lets You Choose How To View Tweets

Twitter's latest update introduces new Sparkle Button

Source: SOPA Images / Getty

Tired of Twitter’s algorithm choosing what Tweets you should see or reverse-chronological timeline? Well, we are happy to report this latest update will give users the ability to choose which way they want to view Tweets instead of being stuck with either or.

Twitter fell in love with the idea that it thinks its users would rather see old Tweets they have missed or popular Tweets the algorithm believes you would want to see. In reality, most Tweeters would still rather just see new Tweets from individuals they follow pop on their timeline in real time one after the other.

But just so no feelings will be heard and to reduce the number of people sending off angry Tweets about its algorithm, the company introduced the new ‘Sparkle Button’ that allows you to switch back and forth between either timeline options. The new feature is rolling out for iOS users starting today and coming soon to Android owners soon.

There is a downside to the addition of the ‘Sparkle Button’ because it takes the place of the settings button. So to gain access to the settings menu you will have to access in the accounts hub when you click on your Twitter avi. We won’t be shocked if there is a contingent of users who will find this very inconvenient. Still, a very interesting update to say the least. We shall see if it improves everyone’s Tweeting experience going forward or it makes it even worse.

Photo: SOPA Images / Getty

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